How to Test


To ensure that your integration with the OrderOut API works correctly, follow the steps outlined below to test various endpoints and scenarios.


The OrderOut API uses API keys for authentication. You need to include your API key in the Authorization header of your requests.

  • Header Format: api-key: 5IBDI6Q7

Note: Replace 5IBDI6Q7 with your actual API key. This key authenticates your requests to the API.

Testing Endpoints

For a GET request

For a POST request

Content-Type: application/json { "customer_id": "6510823649050624", "items": [ { "item_id": "789", "quantity": 2 } ] }

Testing Scenarios

  • Valid Requests: Ensure that sending properly formatted requests returns the expected results.
  • Invalid Requests: Verify the API's handling of invalid or missing parameters.
  • Error Handling: Check how the API responds to various error conditions.

Error Handling

  • 401 Unauthorized: Check if the API key is missing or invalid.
  • 404 Not Found: Verify that the endpoint URL is correct.
  • 400 Bad Request: Ensure that the request payload and parameters are properly formatted.


  • Ensure your API key is correctly placed and valid.
  • Verify the API endpoint URLs and request formats.