Create Delivery


The "Create Delivery" endpoint allows you to initiate a new delivery request within the OrderOut system. This API is used to create a delivery entry, specifying the necessary details about the delivery such as the origin, destination, and items to be delivered.






  • POST

Description: This endpoint creates a new delivery request in the system.



"Accept:" application/json'

"API-key:"Bearer YOUR_API_KE"

"Content-type:" application/json

Request Body:

The request body should be a JSON object. The required fields vary depending on the type of request: Merchants, Quotes, or Orders.


The request body must be a JSON object containing the following fields:


"merchant_name": "string", "merchant_address": "string", "merchant_email": "string", "merchant_phone": "string",


Filed Description

  • merchant_name (string, required): Name of the merchant.
  • merchant_address (string, required): Address of the merchant.
  • merchant_email (string, required): Email address of the merchant.
  • merchant_phone (string, required): Phone number of the merchant.


{ "id": 5208499903266816 }


"merchant_id": "int32", "dropoff_street": "string", "dropoff_city": "string", "dropoff_state": "string", "dropoff_zip": "string", "dropoff_country": "string", "dropoff_suite": "string", "dropoff_instructions": "string",

Field Description

  • merchant_id (int32, required): Unique identifier for the merchant.
  • dropoff_street (string, required): The street address where the delivery will be dropped off.
  • dropoff_city (string, required): City of the dropoff location.
  • dropoff_state (string, required): State of the dropoff location.
  • dropoff_zip (string, required): ZIP code of the dropoff location.
  • dropoff_country (string, required): Country of the dropoff location.
  • dropoff_suite (string, optional): Suite number for the dropoff location, if applicable.
  • dropoff_instructions (string, optional): Additional instructions for the delivery.


[ { "id": 6569738449453056, "provider": "uber", "price": 499, "pickup_mins_from_now": 15, "delivery_mins_from_now": 30 }, { "id": 6150330564476928, "provider": "doordash", "price": 599, "pickup_mins_from_now": 25, "delivery_mins_from_now": 40 } ]



"merchant_id": 12345, "quote_id": 67890, "dropoff_street": "string", "dropoff_city": "string", "dropoff_state": "string", "dropoff_zip": "string", "dropoff_country": "string", "dropoff_suite": "string", "dropoff_instructions": "string", "customer_name": "string", "customer_phone": "string", "subtotal": 100.00, "driver_tip": 10.00,


Field Descriprion

  • merchant_id (int32): Merchant's unique identifier.
  • quote_id (int32): Quote's unique identifier.
  • dropoff_street (string): Street address for the dropoff location.
  • dropoff_city (string): City for the dropoff location.
  • dropoff_state (string): State for the dropoff location.
  • dropoff_zip (string): Zip code for the dropoff location.
  • dropoff_country (string): Country for the dropoff location.
  • dropoff_suite (string): Suite number for the dropoff location (if applicable).
  • dropoff_instructions (string): Special instructions for the dropoff.
  • customer_name (string): Name of the customer receiving the delivery.
  • customer_phone (string): Phone number of the customer receiving the delivery.
  • subtotal (float): Subtotal amount of the order.
  • driver_tip (float): Tip amount for the driver.


{ "id": 4684628498317312, "order_id": "2f90b8ce-efba-4a2b-8cd8-75a0d245f928", "tracker_id": "2f90b8ce-efba-4a2b-8cd8-75a0d245f928" }